von Norbert Pentzlin
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? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Beaton, James
oo Maria Pentzlin
Bennien, Johann
innkeeper in Neustrelitz
Bennien, Johanna Luise Eleonore Christiane
(Bennihn), * Neustrelitz 03.08.1826, + Alt Strelitz 29.06.1911
oo Neustrelitz 14.01.1845 Carl Pentzlin
Bockholt, Bertha Caroline Marie
oo Matthew Pollard
Brydon, Johanna
oo John Thomson
Buchanan, Annie
oo Alexander Harper
Buss, Andreas
Bauer in Carlshof, + Carlshof?
Buss, Anne Sophie Friederike
* Hohenzieritz? Feb. 1794
oo Rödlin, Meckl.-Strelitz 20.11.1818 Wilhelm Pentzlin
Corbett, ...
oo Isabel Harper
Gladstone, Agnes
oo Peter Mathieson
Gley, Margarethe Dorothea
oo Rödlin, Meckl.-Strelitz 11.04.1788 Samuel Pentzlin
Gow, Elizabeth
oo Joseph Shepherd
Grainger, Elizabeth
* Stobo, Peebleshire, Scotland 28.03.1824, + Edinburgh? nach 1891
Grainger, Jessie Campbell
spinster (Jungfer),, * Edinburgh, Scotland 24.06.1856, + South Leith, Edinburgh 27.01.1929
unehelich, wohnte 1917 in Leith!
oo Edinburgh, Canongate 25.04.1877 Wilhelm Pentzlin
Quellen: anc and sp
Harper, Alexander
oo Annie Buchanan
Harper, Christine
Harper, George
oo Caroline Pentzlin
Harper, Isabel
oo ... Corbett
Harper, Margaret
Hodge, James Hogg
oo Elizabeth Pollard
Hogg, James
oo Margaret Methven
Hogg, James Robert
oo Christine Pentzlin
Jones, Denis Thomas William Henry
oo Essie Pollard
Jones, Leonard
oo Annie NN
Lang?, ...
Mathieson, Elizabeth
* um 1851, + Morningside, Edinburgh 05.07.1931
oo Ludwig Pentzlin
Mathieson, Peter
oo Agnes Gladstone
Mc Taggert, Daniel McIntosh
oo Janet Robertson
Mc Taggert, William McIntosh
oo Elizabeth Pentzlin
McKenzie, Susan Jane Edward
oo James Pollard
Mehlberg, Eva
* Sommersdorf, Ksp. Cummerow, Vorpommern 1724
oo Demmin, Vorpommern 1746 Martin Pentzlin
Methven, Margaret
oo James Hogg
NN, Annie
oo Leonard Jones
Pentzlin, August
tinsmith 1881 in Edinburgh, * Neu-Strelitz 06.12.1856, + Berlin-Charlottenburg 03.11.1917
Pentzlin, August Ludwig Frederick
cabinet maker, timber merchant?, * Rödlin, Meckl.-Strelitz 12.05.1825, + Newington, Edinburgh 02.08.1874
August was the Uncle from Wilhelm P. and had a business with a partner
called Pentzlin & McAdie. They sold wood veneers to furniture
makers with wood imported from Hamburg. August died in 1874 and the
company went bankrupt. To pay the creditors the business and stock were
all sold. His widow, Therese, even lost her house to pay the debts. She
later had a large house in the Morningside area of Edinburgh where she
lived with her family and rented out rooms to other people. I think she
later emigrated to Australia with her family. (Qu: Michael)
oo Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 29.05.1853 Johanne Schmidt
Quellen: fs und sp, Hogg
Pentzlin, August Luis
* Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 23.07.1866, + Edinbourgh,St. Giles 1866
Quellen: International Genealogical Index (R)
Pentzlin, Auguste Caroline
* Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 21.12.1858, + Edinburgh, Newington 1882
Quellen: International Genealogical Index (R)
Pentzlin, Carl August Ludwig
* Edinburgh Parish, Midlothian, Scotland 16.04.1863, + Junee, Victoria, South Australia 1894
Quellen: International Genealogical Index (R)
Pentzlin, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm
innkeeper and exacter, * Rödlin, Meckl.-Strelitz 08.11.1819, + Neustrelitz 10.12.1893
oo Neustrelitz 14.01.1845 Johanna Bennien
Pentzlin, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm (Charles)
railway porter, * Edinburgh, St. Giles 26.09.1882, + George Square,Edinburgh 04.03.1923
stirbt im Krankenhaus an Enzephalitis; Schwester Elizabeth aus Leith meldet den Tod.
The photograph of my great grandparents and their family taken around
1924. Carl Pentzlin was dead by this time, but his portrait is on the
wall behind the family. (Qu: Michael Hogg)
oo Edinburgh,South Leith 25.09.1908 Christina Shepherd
Quellen: scots p. / Hogg
Pentzlin, Caroline Johanne
oo George Harper
Pentzlin, Charles William Frederick
oo Johanna Thomson
Pentzlin, Charlotte
Lehrerin?, * Saint Cuthberts, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 13.12.1854, + Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 1888
Quellen: fs und sp
Pentzlin, Christine
oo James Hogg
Pentzlin, Elizabeth Gow
oo William Mc Taggert
Pentzlin, Elizabeth Grainger
single, housekeeper, * Edinburgh, Canongate 26.10.1877, + Leith,Edinburgh 29.12.1950
Pentzlin, Emil
Pentzlin, Frederick
Pentzlin, Gustav Hermann
* Edinbourgh, Calton 23.08.1856, + Edinbourgh, Newington 1880
Quellen: International Genealogical Index (R)
Pentzlin, Jessie Grainger
Pentzlin, Jessie Grainger
* Edinbourgh,St. Giles 30.01.1891, + Edinburgh, Scotland 17.01.1954
oo Greenock? 02.07.1915 James Pollard
Pentzlin, Julius
metal worker, * Alt Strelitz 22.03.1869, + Strelitz? 07.04.1940
Pentzlin, Linda
Pentzlin, Ludwig Johann
bootmaker, * Rödlin, Meckl.-Strelitz 23.04.1833, + St. Giles,Edinburgh 12.05.1887
Ludwig was August's brother and had a boot makers shop in Elm Row and also in George Steet, Edinburgh. (Qu: Michael Hogg)
oo I. Elizabeth Mathieson, II. Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 03.06.1862 Sophie Stahl
Quellen: fs und sp / Hogg
Pentzlin, Maria Mathilda
oo James Beaton
Pentzlin, Marilyn
Pentzlin, Martin
* Uckermark? 1717
oo Demmin, Vorpommern 1746 Eva Mehlberg
Pentzlin, Mathilde
oo Wilhelm Timm
Pentzlin, Samuel
bootmaker and curch-helper, * Pripsleben?, Vorpommern 1751, + Rödlin, Meckl.-Strelitz 05.11.1815
oo Rödlin, Meckl.-Strelitz 11.04.1788 Margarethe Gley
Pentzlin, Shirley
Pentzlin, Therese Christiane
* Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 30.04.1869, + White Hills, Victoria, Australia 1889
Quellen: scots and australian docs
Pentzlin, Wilhelm Georg Albert
worker, paper cutter, * Alt Strelitz, Mecklenburg 17.09.1850, + Ratho, railway-station, Edinburgh 03.01.1917
Wilhelm was killed in a train crash at Ratho. He had been visiting his
family in Edinburgh and was travelling back to his home in Glasgow when
his train was hit by another coming in the opposite direction. He had
never taken British citizenship and was still a German national. During
the First World War Edinburgh was declared unsuitable for German
nationals and he had to move to Glasgow to stay in an area declared
suitable by the British government. W. wohnte 1917 in Glasgow. (Qu:
Michael Hogg)
oo Edinburgh, Canongate 25.04.1877 Jessie Grainger
Quellen: newspaper, Hogg
Pentzlin, Wilhelm Georg Martin
schoolmaster and church-helper (sacristan), * Rödlin, Meckl.-Strelitz 21.08.1790, + Rödlin, Meckl.-Strelitz 18.08.1833
oo Rödlin, Meckl.-Strelitz 20.11.1818 Anne Buss
Pentzlin, William
* Edinburgh um 1910, + Leith, Edinburgh Dez. 1960
William died in December 1960 after being found lying in the street in
Leith. Not much is known about him but it seems that by 1930 after the
death of both parents he ended up homeless and living on the streets.
Quellen: Hogg
Pollard, Elizabeth Grainger
oo James Hodge
Pollard, Essie Maria Grainger
oo Denis Jones
Pollard, James
Pollard, James Lang
* Greenock, Renfrewshire 01.03.1891, + Edinburgh, Scotland 31.10.1948
oo Greenock? 02.07.1915 Jessie Pentzlin
Pollard, James Scott
oo Susan McKenzie
Pollard, Matthew Whitlum
* Calton,Glasgow,Lanarkshire,Scotland 09.07.1860, + Cathcart St, Greenock, Scotland 08.03.1905
oo Bertha Bockholt
Pollard, William James Pentzlin
Robertson, Janet Braid
oo Daniel Mc Taggert
Schmidt, Johanne Eleonore Therese
* prussia? um 1831, + White Hills, Victoria 1907
oo Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 29.05.1853 August Pentzlin
Quellen: scots and australian docs
Shepherd, Christina
* St George,Edinburgh 25.12.1883, + Leith,Edinburgh 07.07.1927
oo Edinburgh,South Leith 25.09.1908 Carl Pentzlin
Shepherd, Joseph
oo Elizabeth Gow
Stahl, Christian
tailor (Schneider)
Stahl, Sophie
* um 1827, + St. Andrew, Edinburgh 24.05.1874
oo Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 03.06.1862 Ludwig Pentzlin
Quellen: International Genealogical Index (R)
Taggert, James Stark
Thomson, Johanna
oo Charles Pentzlin
Thomson, John
oo Johanna Brydon
Timm, Wilhelm
oo Mathilde Pentzlin
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